APISPORT ®    POLLEN     versión en español

Abeja Libando
What is bee pollen?
Bee pollen is the male gametophyte of the highest developed plants in the vegetal system. It is a small granule of microscopic dimensions (about 50 microns)
It is produced by the anthers located at the external end of the stamen which is the male sexual organ of flowers.
The role of pollinating insects, like bees, is to transfer pollen grains from the anthers onto the stigma, which is the female sexual organ of flowers.
Abeja en calendula

How do bees collect pollen?
The pollen located in the stamens of flowers collects on the hind legs of honeybees. When a bee lands on a flower, pollen grains adhere to the hairs in its body; the honey bee brushes itself with its hind "tibial combs" and in doing so, it agglutinates the grains in rounded granules which are then carried in the corbicula of its hind legs.

R.N.E. Nº 04002416 - R.N.P.A. Nº 04024396

Produced and fractionated by Hector A. Serra

Córdoba - República Argentina